Paul Pierce listed among LeBron James’ greatest rivals

Paul Pierce and the Boston Celtics are among LeBron James’ greatest rivals.

The Boston Celtics and LeBron James have a long history. The veteran superstar has endured multiple battles against Boston during his time with the Cleveland Cavaliers and then the Miami Heat. Some of the more memorable battles entailed some tough matchups against Paul Pierce, who helped eliminate LeBron in the second round of the 2008 playoffs and in the conference semi-finals in 2010.

LeBron also enjoyed some success against the Pierce-led Celtics, winning multiple playoff battles against the franchise. As such, in a recent piece for Bleacher Report, Grant Hughes listed Pierce among the most fierce of LeBron’s rivals.

“Pierce is a Hall of Famer who had already made a pair of All-Star teams by the time James entered the league in 2003-04,” Hughes wrote. “That he was last a regular starter in 2014-15, the year Curry began his string of playoff meetings with James, speaks to LeBron’s unmatched staying power.”

Considering the Lakers forward has spent 21 years in the NBA, which means he’s been in the league longer than smartphones have been on the market, Pierce’s place on the list is an impressive feat. It speaks to LeBron’s longevity and Pierce’s importance to the Celtics during that era.

There’s a reason why Pierce is a legend to Celtics fans. His duels with LeBron are part of his legacy and are another reason why he’s viewed among the greatest Celtics in history.

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