Ron Rivera wishes Chase Young nothing but the best with the 49ers

Ron Rivera wishes Chase Young all the best in San Francisco.

Chase Young was introduced to the San Francisco media earlier this week for the first time since last week’s trade from the Washington Commanders to the 49ers.

Young said the following on coming to the Niners:

“I definitely know that I’m in a building with winners.”

That wasn’t all Young had to say, as he mentioned San Francisco’s culture, the “vibe,” and more as reasons he was excited about the trade.

Of course, Washington fans weren’t happy with Young’s comments as some believed he took shots at his former teammates with the following line:

“Just the players,” Young said when asked how he could tell a difference in the culture so soon. “The spirit in the locker room. The spirit of the coaches. You know, it’s just different, you know what I’m saying? It’s kind of that same thing at Ohio State, where it’s like you’re expected to win, and it’s just like that vibe of ‘We’re going to win,” you know what I’m saying? So, it definitely reminds me of Ohio State, but obviously, it’s going to feel — these are grown men. I’m just excited — blessed with the opportunity to be with this franchise.”

In fairness to Young, you couldn’t blame him if he took a shot or two at Washington’s coaches after the anonymous leaks criticizing him after the trade.

However, on Wednesday, Commanders head coach Ron Rivera was asked about Young’s comments and wished him well in his future.

“I think first and foremost is that, to me, as far as I’m concerned, I’m excited about our football team,” Rivera said in response to being proud of the culture he’s built in Washington.

“I like the things that we’re doing. I like the direction we’re headed. I think, culturally, it’s a really solid place. We’re still learning and growing. We have a young quarterback that’s learning and growing for us. I do think that for the most part, things can be very bright for us if it continues to go in the right direction.”

Then, he directly addressed Young’s comments.

“As far as Chase is concerned and his comments, I really appreciate who he is for us and who he was for us,” Rivera said. “Did some nice things and just wish him all the luck in San Francisco.”

Direct and to the point. No one knows who is responsible for leaking the comments about Young to the media, but some signs point to Rivera. Washington should have never said a negative word about Young after the trade, whether everything was true or not.

As far as Young is concerned, the culture he speaks of in San Francisco being better than the one he left behind, he’s right. But, Young should also realize that as the former NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year and No. 2 overall pick, he helped establish the culture in the 2021 offseason when he chose to stay away from the team while everyone else reported for offseason work. Voluntary or not, Washington was coming off a surprise playoff season, and he was a team captain in 2020.

Regardless of who is right or wrong, blame lies everywhere. But now, both sides are eager to move on, and Rivera’s comments on Young Wednesday are likely his last until the Commanders host the 49ers on New Year’s Eve.