Every EA NCAA Football cover star since 1993 (including College Football 25!)

The future of EA’s college football series may be uncertain, but for now, here’s a walk through 20 years of NCAA Football cover stars.

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Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2023 and has been updated.

EA’s NCAA Football cover stars operated on a different principle for a while compared to the spotlight athletes in other sports games. NCAA rules forbade college athletes from appearing on the cover, so you nearly always saw an NFL rookie sporting their jersey from a few years previously – usually with at least one trophy or high recognition under their belt as well. EA wasn’t afraid to get a bit silly with the NCAA franchise either. At one point, the publisher honored the community’s voice and made a mascot the star of an NCAA game.

The franchise came to a messy end in 2014, as licensing issues and debates over the appropriate use of player likenesses brought EA’s college football days to a halt.

But now? We’re so back. Here’s a walk through 20 years of NCAA Football cover stars and a look at College Football 25.