Six names to keep an eye to be the next Northwestern football coach

Six candidates who could and should do well as candidates for the Northwestern football head coaching job.

While David Braun will be Northwestern’s head coach when they open the season in six weeks at Rutgers, it is likely that the next hire for this job will come from outside of the program.

And while Braun isn’t tainted by the allegations of hazing that are surrounding Northwestern (he wasn’t with the program until this past January), there is a very strong possibility that the Wildcats’ next football coach isn’t currently on the coaching staff.

This is a prestigious job. Northwestern is located next to a major city (Chicago) with tremendous resources and the backing of one of the most prestigious academic schools in the nation. It is a Power Five job brimming with potential.

Scroll down and check out the top six names to be the next head coach of the Northwestern football team!