Sam Pittman ranked below Hugh Freeze? You can’t be serious, 247Sports

We think our rankings are better reflective of reality in the SEC.

Sam Pittman has proven his worth to the Arkansas program over the last three years. Hugh Freeze is a reclamation project.

Yet somehow, the latter, a former high-school girls basketball coach now entering his first year coaching football at Auburn, was ranked ahead of Pittman in 247Sports’ SEC coaches power rankings.

Now, Auburn folks might say “But Freeze has already coached in the SEC.” And they’d be right. He also had a 5-7 record in his last season with Ole Miss in 2016 and brought scandal NCAA sanctions to the school.

Sure, though, yeah, his four years at – checks notes – Liberty make him more viable than a man who has rebuilt Arkansas from practically scratch after his predecessor left it a shambles.

Anyway, if you’re curious how we would rate SEC’s coaches, take a look.