Forbidden Door 2023 results: Will Ospreay, Kenny Omega bleed to put on the ultimate sequel

Living up to all the hype, Will Ospreay and Kenny Omega stole the show again at Forbidden Door 2023.

Coming to the ring with Don Callis and two security guards/bargain rack ninjas, Will Ospreay does hear some cheers even though he’s been belittling Canada nonstop for weeks. The announcers wonder if the return of the Aerial Assassin moniker is something worth keeping in mind.

Kenny Omega comes in to two of his classic nicknames, the Best Bout Machine and The Cleaner, and he looks all business. When the bell rings, Ospreay stays crouched in his corner and the fans explode. Omega takes a second to breathe it in.

They start out by exchanging holds on the feet, then take it to the mat as some Ospreay chants ring out. There’s some slick mat wrestling as well as the fans give it to Callis.

Omega makes Ospreay pay for getting too fancy with a handstand, then chops away in the corner. Will turns things around and lays in some chops. Some signature moves are evaded or reversed, with the wrestlers staring each other down since they know each other’s moves so well.

Ospreay uses a thumb to the eye and pushes forward, chopping Omega down in the corner. Kenny responds with a hurricanrana and a splash for a near fall. Ospreay tries to buy a moment on the floor, but the Terminator hand claps signal Omega trying to take flight.

Alas, Callis grabs Omega’s foot, then hides behind his security. The ref did see it, however, and ejects Callis from ringside. Ospreay takes advantage anyway, smashing Omega into the steps and post.

A spinning backbreaker gives Ospreay a chance to cover for two again. He hammers away at Omega’s lower back before delivering more chops and taking some in return. A vertical suplex by the challenger forces Omega to kick out at two again.

Omega gets some momentum going and earns a two count as Ospreay appears to be getting worn down. He slumps down hard to keep from getting hoisted in the air, but Omega simply chops away until he can hit an enzuigiri.

After Omega is hung over the top rope, Ospreay hits a Shooting Star Press to his back. He follows with an Oscutter on the apron, and the ref is checking quickly on both men.

Over to the English announce table they go, where Ospreay smashes Omega’s head down repeatedly. Kenny is busted open by having his head forced through the top board from the announce table, though the fans are chanting “still a wanker” at Ospreay.

Omega sells the blood in his eyes, stumbling around the ring. Ospreay proudly shows off Kenny’s blood on his biceps, licking it and stirring up the fans. Omega digs down deep to trade strikes, but a rolling elbow sends him to the mat.

Ospreay makes a gun motion and hits Omega with his own V-Trigger, slumping Kenny over the apron. Two kids in the front row give it to Ospreay, who responds by taking a Canadian flag and dragging it across his crotch.

He takes too long with his taunts, however, giving Omega a chance to hit a running lariat. Kenny wraps the flag around Will’s neck and tosses him from corner to corner, then hangs him by the neck over the ropes. Omega gives the flag back to the young fans, much to their delight.

Omega hits a V-Trigger on the floor but also smacks his leg into the barricade. He angrily bounces Ospreay’s head off the top of the steps as the ref tries to get the action back into the ring. Will has now joined Kenny in bleeding from the face. Omega sets the steps on their side and DDTs his foe on the steel, and the announcers are now thinking the ref should check on Will.

Omega takes mount and peppers Ospreay with open hand strikes. He applies a body scissors and rains down elbows as Ospreay is just streaming blood. Somehow, Will powers to his feet and powerbombs his foe to break the hold.

A German suplex sends Omega over, but the two men simply trade them two more times. Omega hits a V-Trigger but takes a standing Spanish fly and has to kick out at two.

To the dismay of the crowd, Ospreay applies a Sharpshooter, and when his grip slips, he transitions to an STF. Omega finally gets his foot to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Rapid fire kicks to Omega’s face soften him up, and a headbutt puts Kenny on his knees. An Oscutter looks like trouble, but Omega answers with an Anti-Air.

A snapdragon leads to a second one, and a poison rana leads to a piledriver. Omega looks legitimately surprised that combination didn’t end it.

Omega’s neckbreaker is on target, and he uses a V-Trigger in the corner as well. Kenny wants a Super One-Winged Angel, but Ospreay frees himself for a thrust kick to send his foe to the floor. A sky twister press finds its target, bringing “holy s–t” chants in response.

After a shot to the back of Omega’s head, Ospreay tries a sliding elbow, but Omega rallies, and a Liger Bomb is what it takes to slow him and force a kickout.

The challenger connects on a top rope Oscutter, with Omega barely kicking out in time. Ospreay’s Stormbreaker attempt is countered by Kenny’s take on the Deadeye, bringing Callis back to the ring … even though he was already sent to the back.

Omega blasts Ospreay with a knee, then another as the challenger is on his knees. The V-Trigger is next, and Omega fires himself up for more. Callis hops on the apron to prevent a V-Trigger, but Don moves when Kenny launches into the move anyway.

As the ref struggles to pull Callis away, Don slips a screwdriver to Will. As Omega tries for a One-Winged Angel, the screwdriver shot sets up a Hidden Blade and a Stormbreaker. Incredibly, Omega gets his foot to the ropes. The fans erupt as Callis whispers to Ospreay.

Ospreay hovers over his foe before delivering a knee to the face. A One-Winged Angel is on the mark, but Kenny emphatically kicks out at one.

The two men are both psyched up and trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Omega breaks the cycle with a brainbuster, slides to a German suplex and gets his own two count.

A V-Trigger leads to a series of counters, and Ospreay hits Stormbreaker. He sits on Omega’s chest but can’t get three. Undeterred, Ospreay hits Hidden Blade, then Stormbreaker again, and he finally hears the three count that gives him the title and vindication.

Click here for full Forbidden Door 2023 results from Toronto.