FOX Sports celebrates Kirk Ferentz, Iowa’s offensive NFL talent development

FOX Sports included Kirk Ferentz among the top Big Ten coaches at producing NFL talent across a number of offensive positions.

The Iowa Hawkeyes have undoubtedly become known for their defense and special teams lately. But, amid that, there is still development among offensive positions and plenty of offensive players going from the Hawkeyes’ program to the NFL.

Everyone and their mother knows there is only one school with the claim to “Tight End U” and that school resides in Iowa City. But, that isn’t where the offensive production from Iowa ends.

FOX Sports pulled together data analyzing offensive players who have been drafted under current Big Ten head coaches to see how these coaches are doing at developing NFL talent on a position-by-position basis.

Kirk Ferentz has the added bonus of tenure on his side to strengthen his case at developing players, but that can’t knock him. Being able to run a stable and steady program for so long speaks volumes and to continue churning out NFL talent is all the more impressive. Here is a look at a few positions that Kirk Ferentz is near tops in the Big Ten of turning into NFL talent.
