Detailed figures on Jimmy Garoppolo 3-year deal with Raiders

Break down of Jimmy Garoppolo 3-year deal with Raiders shows far more affordable than original reports

For some reason whenever a contract is announced, it is necessary to remind everyone to wait until the actual specific details come out. The first numbers that are released come from the agent and are always what the absolute maximum is.

For instance, Derek Carr’s deal with the Saints was said to be worthg $150 million! With $100 million guaranteed! When in reality, it’s only got $60 million in guarantees at signing and another $10 million kicks in in year two.

Coming to Las Vegas today to try and replace Carr with the Raiders is Jimmy Garoppolo. Initial numbers had his contract at $67.5 million over three years with $34 million guaranteed.

In and of itself, that deal is still half of the numbers we ultimately found out Carr’s deal was worth in New Orleans in terms of guaranteed money. And that’s *before* we found out what the *real* figures are.

Those figures have now come out.

In case you’re wondering what this means in terms of cap numbers, it means the Garoppolo will count a shade over $16 million against this year’s cap.

In terms of “fully” guaranteed money, it’s actually $22.5 million. Which means they could cut ties with him after one season with just $7.5 million in dead money.