Robert Kraft and Jerry Jones reportedly exchanged heated words at owners’ meeting

Things reportedly got heated between Robert Kraft and Jerry Jones.

NFL owners met on Tuesday to vote on opening up negotiations for a new contract for NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

It was an evening jam-packed with drama, including Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones being the “lone dissenter” and an argument involving New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft.

According to ESPN’s Seth Wickersham and Don Van Natta Jr., the two owners got into a “heated exchange” during the meeting, which ultimately ended with the majority rule on a 31-1 vote to extend Goodell’s contract.

Wickersham wrote:

“The sources said Kraft joined the overwhelming majority in strong support for the measure, with Jones the lone dissenter in the owners-only session, eventually telling Kraft, ‘Don’t f— with me.’

Kraft replied, ‘Excuse me?’

‘Don’t mess with me,’ Jones said.”

Representatives from the NFL, Patriots and Cowboys have declined to comment any further on the incident. Stay tuned to this developing story as more information becomes available.

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