Dooley’s Dozen: 12 things that would shock us in the 2022 SEC season

Every season in the Southeastern Conference brings a great deal of uncertainty. What will 2022 bring? Here are some unlikely outcomes.

We have this expression in our little clique of friends who talk a lot about Gator football. When someone says something obvious or silly or just plain stupid, it is often followed by, “Shawking!”

Sometimes it is shocking, but more often than not it is meant to be sarcastic. Or maybe it’s like that scene in Dodgeball.

Cotton McKnight: “And the Average Joe’s beat the Germans in a shocking upset.”

Pepper Brooks: “I feel shocked.”

OK, enough with this silliness as we explore another episode of Dooley’s Dozen. Because we think we have everything figured out for this season, but we know that in the unscripted world of college football, the next shocking thing is right around the corner.

Still, we can’t predict the shocking things that will happen or else they wouldn’t be shocking.

Am I making ANY sense?

Here we go with the 12 things that would really shock me about the 2023 SEC season.