The Heat closed last season within one …

The Heat closed last season within one victory of the NBA Finals. From that core, the Heat this offseason re-signed Oladipo, Caleb Martin and Dewayne Dedmon, with the rest of the rotation, beyond Tucker, returning. “The outside thoughts told Golden State they weren’t going to win last year,” Oladipo said, dismissive of those who have been dismissive of the Heat’s chances. “It don’t matter. Everybody got opinions, man. Opinions is like emotions, everybody got ‘em. Can’t do nothing about ‘em. You just got to focus on yourself and we just focus on the Heat. We’ve always been. That’s how we are. “Last year, we were the same way. We just focus on us. Can’t really control what people think or say. We can’t control where they rank us or anything like that. I really can’t control what they say about me. I really don’t care anymore. So we just going out there. And we just playing. We’ve going to keep improving and do whatever we can to help us win a championship.”