Rob Gronkowski says he’s ‘done with football’ – even if Tom Brady calls

Rob Gronkowski isn’t coming out of retirement (again), even if Tom Brady calls him

Rob Gronkowski announced his retirement again this offseason, leaving the NFL after 11 spectacular seasons with the Patriots and Buccaneers. Shortly after Gronkowski made the news official, his agent, Drew Rosenhaus, left the door open for the future Hall of Famer to return to the field.

He said he wouldn’t be surprised if Gronk came out of retirement during the season or in 2023, and he could see where “Rob answers the call” if Tom Brady came ringing.

On Tuesday, Gronkowski closed the door on any possible return. He told Mike Reiss that he’s done with football

“I’m done with football,” Gronkowski told Reiss. “Love the game and definitely blessed with all the opportunities the game of football has given me. … But done with football and stepping my feet into the business world, the business ventures and seeing what’s out there.”

But what if Brady calls?

“I would answer obviously,” Gronkowski said. “I would obviously answer the greatest quarterback of all time and ask him how he’s doing and tell him I’m doing good., but I wouldn’t go back to football.”

That sounds pretty definitive from the 33-year-old, who’s now exploring the business world in his post-playing days.