The Warriors run to end the first half of Game 6 against the Celtics was so unreal

The Boston Celtics completely flopped in the first half of Game 6.

The NBA Finals between the Warriors and Celtics has mostly been even with both teams giving each other blow after blow after blow. There have been some hilarious moments, sure. But the basketball has been mostly great between both teams.

That mostly great basketball went…somewhere else for the Celtics in the first half of the game.

They took a 14-2 lead to start the game in the first quarter and looked stunning. They had great energy, were hitting tough shots and taking care of the ball.

Then, somewhere along the line, that all just went away. The lead the Celtics had completely evaporated with a 52-25 run the rest of the way to end the half.

No, seriously. That number is real.

There’s obviously still a whole half of basketball left to be played for the Celtics. But it’s certainly not looking good. We’ll see how things go.