On his favorite teammates during his …

On his favorite teammates during his 19-year NBA playing career . . . Jason Terry: J Kidd [Jason Kidd] definitely hands down one of my favorites. Playing with him at the age he was at, he was still evolving as a player. Because he couldn’t physically do the things that he could do when he was young when he first came in the league, with his speed and his physical ability, he started to use his mind to think and manage the game as a coach on the floor. He taught me how to see the game before it was played. I thought playing with him was just phenomenal. Dirk Nowitzki obviously. His competitiveness, his work ethic. Being in the gym, late night before practice, after practice on the road. Grinding in the gym with him. Me being on one end, him being on the other and just being able to look down there like ‘Man, that’s why he’s so special.’ That to me was the ultimate.