Vikings presenter Ed Marinaro thought a ‘Will Smith slap’ was coming, says he ‘got the hint’

Ed Marinaro felt a bit hurt by some of the backlash.

Everyone has their own opinions on Ed Marinaro’s lengthy NFL draft announcement for the Minnesota Vikings last Friday night.

A strong collective thought it was absolutely hilarious and a breath of fresh air for a formal event.

But there were those others that felt inconvenienced by the impromptu jokes and personal stroll down memory lane from Marinaro, who was hurried along by a staff member that came onstage as his presentation lingered past the two-minute mark.

“I was sort of surprised. I thought she was going to give me a Will Smith slap or something. But I got the hint,” Marinaro told the Pioneer Press’ Chris Tomasson in a phone interview.

According to Marinaro, he never “set out to create a brouhaha” during his draft announcement. He also admitted to feeling a bit hurt by some of the criticism.

Honestly, it seems like some are making more out of Marinaro’s presentation than necessary.

How many times in life do you get to stand onstage in front of thousands of fans? The NFL draft is like a stadium rock concert these days.

We can do much worse than Marinaro enjoying the moment and telling a few jokes. No harm, no foul, right?

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