National park quiz: How many bears can you spot in the photo?

Katmai National Park and Preserve this week quizzed followers by posting an image and asking how many bears are visible on the landscape.

Katmai National Park and Preserve this week quizzed followers by posting the accompanying images and asking how many bears are visible on the landscape. (A link to the answer is provided at the bottom of this post.)

The Facebook post explained that rangers each August conduct surveys around Moraine and Funnel Creeks at regular intervals, as part of their monitoring of salmon, people, planes in the sky, and bear activity.

Blow up image and try to guess the number of visible bears

With each bear sighting biologists try to determine age, sex, and the type of behavior.

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Of the accompanying images, captured during a survey, the Alaska wilderness park requested: “Test your skills and see if you can find all of the bears.”

Viewers might want to blow up the image because the quiz is difficult. Viewers can CLICK ON THIS LINK to discover the answer, as provided by the park. (Best to look at both images in the “answer” post.)

Katmai National Park and Preserve is in southwest Alaska, on the Alaska Peninsula, and encompasses more than 4 million acres. The park is famous for bear viewing at Brooks Camp, where the bruins gorge on salmon during the summer.