What are the 10 most efficient games the Boston Celtics have played since Brad Stevens joined the team?

Their recent domination of the Wizards is certainly among them.

The Boston Celtics have had some seriously efficient nights on offense in the Brad Stevens era dating back to when the former Butler head coach made the leap to the NBA, and then from there to the Celtics’ front office at the start of the 2021 offseason.

But has there been an outing that saw Boston put the proverbial biscuit in the basket better than the Celtics did against the Washington Wizards this past Sunday afternoon? With dates hailing all the way back to the 2013-14 season there is nearly a decade and a half to draw on, but thanks to Boston broadcaster Sean Grande, we know where that game’s absurdly efficient offense stacks up against the rest of the best during Stevens’ tenure.

Let’s take a look at the 10 most efficient scoring nights for the Celtics since Stevens’ arrival, and where Sunday’s blowout of the Wizard stands among them.