Chandler Parsons: The next day I go and …

Chandler Parsons: The next day I go and Atlanta is like, hey, you need to lawyer up like, once they find out who you are what you’re driving like, this guy’s gonna sue you. And I’m like, ‘I didn’t do anything wrong! What do you mean?!’ It turns out this dude, it’s his third DUI, 56 years old and it was just like completely his fault. And so I was in this lawsuit basically for two years where I was recovering from injuries: I messed my neck up, I tore my labrum, my shoulder and a super gnarly concussion. That kind of forced my hand to basically retire. And I never thought I’d do that at 31 years old, you want to go out on your own terms. But it was scary. Then the whole world closed down with COVID. And I think everything kind of happened for a reason. But it was scary.