19 updates later, No Man’s Sky isn’t finished ‘by a long shot’

Six years after it’s launch, the game is still getting major updates.

No Man’s Sky had one of the worst launches in video game history. It was the perfect example of overpromising and underdelivering. Six years later, the game has had 19 major updates.

Every feature promised at launch is now in the game, and there’s plenty more besides. Players can build bases, adopt aliens, help grow towns, cooperate, drive mechs, and more – all of this added in free updates. 

No Man’s Sky just launched its Sentinel update, which overhauls combat, adds new enemies, improves AI, and adds a whole host of missions and features. But Hello Games still isn’t done.

“As many updates as we’ve done since launch and as many bucket list items we’ve checked off, our list of things we’re excited about never seems to get any shorter,” Sean Murray told IGN.

“I’m amazed that the energy levels are as high now as they’ve ever been. We tend not to talk about what’s on that list publicly but suffice to say we’re not done yet by a long shot.”

As well as continuing work on No Man’s Sky, the team at Hello Games is working on a new game that’s in early development. Murray is keeping quiet on talking about the new game until it’s more feature complete, to avoid a repeat of the No Man’s Sky launch. 

Written by Kirk McKeand on behalf of GLHF

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