TJ McConnell out for the season?

Adrian Wojnarowski: Pacers guard TJ McConnell had surgery to repair torn ligaments in his right hand and is expected to miss several months, sources tell ESPN. McConnell could be lost for the rest of the season. Source: Twitter @wojespn What’s the …

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Adrian Wojnarowski @wojespn
Pacers guard TJ McConnell had surgery to repair torn ligaments in his right hand and is expected to miss several months, sources tell ESPN. McConnell could be lost for the rest of the season. – 1:40 PM

More on this storyline

Tony East: TJ McConnell’s wrist is in a cast, Rick Carlisle says. It will be a weeks long absence. Says replacing him will be “by committee” and mentioned LeVert and Wanamaker’s names specifically. -via Twitter @TEastNBA / December 3, 2021
Scott Agness: Pacers guard T.J. McConnell will be “out for a while,” Rick Carlisle said. The extent of the injury is still being evaluated. Expect a full update in a day or two. It’s his right (shooting) wrist. -via Twitter @ScottAgness / December 2, 2021