Texas and Oklahoma fans broke out in an awkward SEC chant on ESPN’s College GameDay and fans roasted them

This was soooo awkward

As soon as we all heard ESPN’s College GameDay was going to Texas this weekend for the Red River rivalry game between Oklahoma and Texas, we knew things would get a bit awkward.

This rivalry has existed, obviously, for decades. And it will continue when both schools leave the Big XII for the SEC in 2025. They’ve both informed the conference of their intention to leave this summer.

That’s not the awkward part of all this, though. Fans of Texas and OU on site at the Cotton Bowl for College GameDay broke out into an SEC chant.

It didn’t take very long at all for it to happen. We knew it was coming — but this fast? Man.

Boy, that was so weird. That’s probably the best way to describe that. College football fans everywhere on the internet roasted them for it.