Watch: Nice catch by osprey, excellent steal by pelican

A Florida wildlife photographer has captured rare footage showing an osprey masterfully nabbing a large fish, only to lose its catch to a clever pelican.

A Florida wildlife photographer has captured rare footage showing an osprey masterfully nabbing a large fish, only to lose its catch to a clever pelican.

Mark Smith shared his video in a tweet Friday with a “Wait for it” introduction.

Smith has captured hundreds of clips showing ospreys catching fish in Florida waters. But this was the first time he has documented a pelican stealing a fish as the osprey takes flight.

“Ive seen them try a lot, but this was a first in terms of success,” Smith, who captured the footage at Vero Beach, told For The Win Outdoors.

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Ospreys and brown pelicans are expert fish catchers with vastly different techniques.

The former plunges into the water talons-first and grabs fish with the help of reversible outer toes and barbed foot pads. The latter dives head first and traps fish in its large bill pouch.

But as is often the case in the animal kingdom, theft of prey that has already been caught is sometimes the easiest means to a fresh meal.