Notre Dame football hosted Bishop Gorman star for virtual visit

The Notre Dame coaching staff hosted Bishop Gorman offensive lineman Jake Taylor for a virtual visit last night.

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The Notre Dame staff offered Las Vegas’ star offensive tackle Jake Taylor back in early October of last year. With the NCAA mandated dead period still in effect the only way recruits are able to “visit” schools is virtually. That’s exactly what happened last night with Taylor.

Although it is nothing like actually stepping foot on campus, virtual South Bend and the football facilities are really the only options for Brian Kelly and his staff at the moment. The Irish followed up a virtual visit that Taylor took to Alabama, but it seems like Notre Dame made a very positive impression on the six-foot-six-inch and 280-pound lineman.

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Taylor does seem to want to physically visit programs, he made a trip out to Oklahoma during the season. The star tackle has yet to visit South Bend, so expect him to make a trip when the NCAA lifts the dead period.