Charlie Woods did a Tiger Woods fist pump, and Golf fans got emotional


Charlie Woods was taking after his father Tiger Woods during the PNC Championship in Orlando, Florida, whether Charlie was ripping shots with a five wood onto the green or dropping approach shots within easy putting distance from the pin. (Easy for Charlie.)

The cuteness levels were at an all-time high. Those moments when Charlie was channeling his father were simply too much for me — and most golf fans — during this holiday season. Adorable.

There was one moment that stood out about the rest. Charlie hit a putt from a healthy distance on the 10th for birdie, and after sinking the shot, he delivered the iconic Woods fist pump that his father made famous.

Here’s a look.

Golf fans seemed to feel exactly like I did. They loved the good golf and they adored the father-son sweetness.

Hopefully, Charlie continues to resemble his father on the golf course for years to come.

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