Rod Wood on Matthew Stafford: ‘He’s our quarterback’

Wood was quick to note that those are not his decisions and he will not have input in them

One day after interim head coach Darrell Bevell curtly dismissed any notion that the team was shutting down Matthew Stafford for the remainder of the season, Lions team president Rod Wood gave a strong indication that Stafford will be the quarterback in Detroit in 2021 as well.

In a radio interview on 97.1 The Ticket to promote the Lions’ return to the station as the team’s flagship radio station, Wood sure didn’t sound like someone ready to move on from Stafford.

“I know there’s a lot of speculation about the quarterbacks that were taken (in the draft this year) and the quarterbacks that we didn’t take and Matthew’s health and his age. But he’s our quarterback and he’s still playing at a very high level,” Wood told the hosts.

He did keep the door open for drafting a successor, however.

“But we’ll eventually have to make a decision about drafting somebody and when we do, we’ll hopefully have the right team in place to evaluate those quarterbacks at the time and make the right pick for the Detroit Lions.”

Wood was quick to note that those are not his decisions and he will not have input in them. The new GM and leadership team will determine Stafford’s fate in Detroit.

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