Fitness with Averee: Can poor nutrition really impact your game?

Check out episode 2 of our series, “Fitness with Averee,” in which we discuss poor nutrition and its impact.

Food is energy and energy is essential for long drives and massive birdie putts. An apple a day keeps the bogeys away.

Many golfers don’t realize the importance of nutrition for a round of golf. Many rush out the door to make their tee time and forget to pack food leaving their game to suffer by the time they reach the back nine.

In the second episode of “Fitness with Averee,” Averee Dovsek gives a few tips and tricks on how to properly fuel your body for a round of golf. Dovsek’s tips include the importance of macronutrients – carbohydrates, proteins and fats – and how to easily pack them for the day.

Combine what you learn through “Fitness with Averee” with Steve Scott’s instruction series and you will be a different golfer on and off the course.

Watch the second episode of “Fitness with Averee” above and check here for previous episodes.

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