Listen: Zac Jackson of ‘The Athletic’ joins All Eyez on Cleveland to talk 2020 Browns

Jackson drops in as a special guest with Brad

A new episode of  ‘All Eyez on Cleveland’ with Zac Jackson of The Athletic, co-host of ‘The A to Z Podcast’ and author of ‘100 Things Browns Fans Should Know and Do Before They Die’ is now available. Listen to show host Brad Ward (@WardonSports) as he talks Cleveland Browns football with the most influential personalities in the Cleveland sports landscape.

On this episode of ‘All Eyez on Cleveland’ –

  • Special guest Zac Jackson of The Athletic joins the show
  • Impressions of the new regime
  • Who he thinks will call plays
  • Getting rookies ready with no off-season
  • Reaction to OBJ’s comments
  • Njoku’s change of heart,
  • Joe Woods plan for the defense
    • Personnel
    • Linebackers
    • Scheme
  • Keeping the talent on this team together
  • Which Baker will show up for the Browns in 2020
  • Plus Brad on Gruden’s COVID-19 prank
  • And so much more…

You can listen to all episodes of ‘All Eyez on Cleveland’ podcast on multiple platforms, including iTunes, Spreaker, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Google Play, TuneIn,, Pod Knife and Player FM.

‘All Eyez on Cleveland’ with Zac Jackson of The Athletic –


Listen(Apple Podcasts):


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