MMA’s week out of the cage: Mike Perry gets wish to train with Yoel Romero

Check out the best social media posts from fighters and their lives outside of the cage in the past week.

Social media has become a significant part of the sporting landscape. But few, if any, professional sports match the level of interaction and personal access provided by MMA.

In an individual competition in which nearly every athlete is chasing the same goal of financial success and championship glory, it’s important for fighters to provide insight into their lives in order to connect with fans and gain followings.

Although the life of a fighter often can be mundane and repetitive, there still are moments of interest that take place outside the cage, ring or training room. Here are some of the most interesting of those occurrences from the past week.

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Perry gets his wish

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Yolo Romero ! Terrorizing workouts.

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Animals of Instagram

Weekly eats

Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and engagements

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Happy 20th anniversary, mama! Here are a few tidbits I’ve learned over 20 years of marriage… Love you, mama! 🎶 Like Bonnie and Clyde 🎶 * 90% of being married is just shouting “What” from other rooms * Don’t fight when you’re tired and hungry * When your wife ask you for your opinion, she doesn’t really want your opinion, she wants her opinion – Just in a deeper voice * How to stay together no matter what… 1. Stay together 2. No matter what * You + Me = WE * More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the BETTER comes after the WORSE * DONT GO TO BED MAD! * Marry the one who gives you the same feeling you get when you see your food coming out at a restaurant * PRAY TOGETHER * 99% of meaningful conversations happen in the bathroom * Shower together * Choose your life’s mate carefully.  From this one decision will come 90 percent of all your happiness or misery. * Be romantic * Keep buying flowers… especially roses – it never gets old

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Children of MMA

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My Girls! #paidinfull #dadshitonly

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❤️ Love is the root of all joyfulness ❤️

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Random leftovers

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