Oklahoma’s fourth round of COVID-19 testing reveals no new cases

Oklahoma’s fourth round of COVID-19 testing reveals no new cases

Oklahoma’s fourth round of COVID-19 testing yet again revealed no positive cases among players or the staff. It is the third week in a row with no new cases for the Sooners.

Testing was conducted on Wednesday, and included football players, men and women’s basketball and 74 staff members.

The school has been completely transparent in conducting their testing, releasing their weekly results for all to see.

Oklahoma’s initial testing on July 1 revealed 16 active cases, but as of last weeks third round, all 16 cases had completely recovered. No new cases have been found since. 

Oklahoma athletic director Joe Castiglione has alluded that a decisions regarding the 2020 season will need to be made by late July.

Oklahoma is currently schedule to begin their season on September 5 against Missouri State, but could be looking to move that date up in order to test for coronavirus between games.

The results from Oklahoma’s latest round of testing are as follows:

From July 22:

Total football players tested: 96
Total positive test results: 0
Active cases among players: 0
Recoveries among players: 16
Active cases among staff: 0
Recoveries among staff: 2

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