Report: Jets owner, U.S. Ambassador Woody Johnson investigated for racist, sexist comments

New York Jets owner Woody Johnson is reported to have been investigated for racist and sexist comments.

The New York Jets have not been able to get out of their own way for more than half a century. Another page in the book of futility was added Wednesday with news team owner Woody Johnson was investigated after allegations he made racist and sexist comments to staff, CNN reported.

Per the report:

Robert Wood “Woody” Johnson, the top envoy since August 2017 to one of the United States’ most important allies, made racist generalizations about Black men and questioned why the Black community celebrates Black History Month, according to exclusive new information shared with CNN by three sources and a diplomat familiar with the complaints to the State Department inspector general.

His comments about women’s looks have been “cringeworthy,” a source with knowledge of the situation said, and two sources said it was a struggle to get him on board for an event for International Women’s Day.

“He’s said some pretty sexist, racist,” things, the diplomat with knowledge of the complaints made to the IG said of Johnson, an heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune and one of the owners of the New York Jets.

This comes immediately after a New York Times report the United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom was pressured by President Donald Trump to ask the British government to steer the British Open to Trump Turnberry, one of five golf courses the president owns outside the U.S.

Johnson’s deputy, Lewis A. Lukens, advised against bringing the request to the British government because of a potential ethical violation that would come with the President using his position for private gain, according to the Times. But Johnson, a Trump donor who received the ambassadorship in 2017 after the President’s election, felt pressure to proceed and broached the subject three weeks later with Scotland’s Secretary of State, David Mundell.

One of the star players on the Jets, DB Jamal Adams, who has been looking to move on from the team via trade, weighed in with his disapproval.