The Sneak, a serialized podcast from FTW and USA TODAY which tells true crime stories from inside and around the world of sports, is back for its second season.
This season we will tell the story of Jack Roland Murphy, AKA Murf the Surf, a national surfing champion who would become internationally famous when he robbed New York Museum of Natural History of a priceless jewel collection.
But that was just the beginning of his story. To tell it fully, you must also travel to the waters of Whiskey Creek, a small river in Florida where, over 50 years ago, the bodies of two young women were found shot, bludgeoned, and stabbed, weighed down by concrete blocks, which was connected to wire that was lashed around their necks.
And the last time they were seen alive, they were getting in a boat with Jack Roland Murphy.
Listen to the sneak peek below via Spotify, or subscribe on Apple Podcasts. You can also listen to the entire second season right now, ad free, via Wondery Plus.