Draymond Green listed in Big Ten ‘Best Of This Decade’ by College Basketball Analyst Mark Titus

Michigan State Basketball’s Draymond Green has been listed in the Big Ten Best of this Decade list by college basketball analyst Mark Titus.

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Draymond Green was recently named to the Big Ten Network’s All-Decade first team last month. Now, he has been mentioned among the best Big Ten players of this decade by college basketball analyst Mark Titus.

Titus lists out the best players for the Big Ten & Big 12 to compare the two different conferences.

Check out his lineups below:

No doubt Draymond Green belongs on this list. Where is Cassius Winston though? Don’t get me wrong, Carsen Edwards and D’Angelo Russell are incredibly talented. Better than Winston though? I don’t know about all that.

What do you think? Sound off on our poll below:

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