Jay Williams tells NBA players to stop being so ‘tone-deaf’ with complaints about the bubble

“My NBA brothers, you cannot be tone-deaf right now in this current environment.”

Since arriving in the NBA bubble near Orlando, some NBA players — certainlynot all — have shared their complaints about the food provided, as well as their accommodations.

Examples include Philadelphia 76ers center Joel Embiid joking about losing weight in the bubble because of the food, and Los Angeles Lakers point guard Rajon Rondo posting a photo of his room with the caption: “Motel 6 hun @nba” and the middle finger emoji.

Setting aside the fact that the food players have received so far won’t be the norm for their extended stay in the bubble, USA TODAY Sports reported Thursday, they still shouldn’t be complaining, ESPN broadcaster Jay Williams said.

In a video he tweeted Sunday, the former Duke star encouraged NBA players to not be so “tone-deaf” while living in a “billion-dollar bubble,” as everyday people are struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is ravaging parts of the U.S., including and especially Florida.

In his video, Williams said:

“NBA players cannot be tone-deaf. My NBA brothers, you cannot be tone-deaf right now in this current environment. We all know the life that NBA players live. You are blessed. You get a chance to be on private planes, you get a chance to have millions of dollars in your bank account, you live a different level of life. But that is drastically different than what real, everyday, working Americans are going through right now.

“Now, you’re in a billion-dollar bubble. If you want to complain about the anxieties you have from COVID-related issues, I get it. Complain about that. We all have the right to complain about that. But when I hear NBA guys complaining about living facilities, food that they have being delivered to them, it is tone-deaf. It is tone-deaf. We need to think about people who are everyday, working people who are making minimum wage, trying to make ends meet, that are going to factories, that are going to really harsh working environments, where, if anything, maybe their employers are doing less to ensure their safety because they’re trying to increase the bottom line. They’re trying to earn and make money back from all the money that they lost during the times that a lot of these states, individually governed, have been dealing with this issue.

“So when I see guys that are going into a billion-dollar bubble — a billion-dollar bubble — and are getting food delivered to them, that have beds to sleep in, you can’t complain about that. Not while you’re making millions of dollars, not while your employer is going through drastic measures to protect you while they’re still paying you when that’s not the case for everyday, real working Americans. That bothers me.”

Williams added that as the NBA is trying to finish its season — which, like that of nearly every other pro sport, was totally upended by the pandemic in March — teams’ public relations departments should work with players to ensure the end of these tone-deaf complaints.

Later on Twitter, Williams also gave credit to Memphis Grizzlies rookie Ja Morant for his comments about the accommodations in the NBA bubble.

Via the Memphis Commercial Appeal in a story published Friday:

“My room is fine, my food is fine. I’m not a silver spoon guy so I know how to live in the conditions,” Morant said Friday, “People complaining but I’m doing good.”

He also brought his own stash of snacks as if to say it doesn’t matter what they’ll be served as the NBA prepares to restart its season. He’ll be good keeping it simple.

“I’m a Ramen noodles guy so I’m used to this,” Morant said.