“A big difference between the Civil …

“A big difference between the Civil Rights Movement of that era and what’s going on today, for me, is the composition of the folks who are protesting. I would say everything I was involved in was 80 percent Black in the ’60s, and as I look at the composition of the groups that are protesting today in our streets, I’d say it’s flipped. I have been so blown away by how broad ethnically, gender-wise, the composition of the protests has been. It’s one of the things that gives me great optimism about what might be sustained, even though it takes a very long time for real change to occur. I don’t think you can effect real change quickly, but when you get the kind of broad participation and shared understanding that is illustrated by what’s going on today, you know there’s an underlying movement that will play out in local arenas all over the place. It won’t be uniform, but it will be headed in the right direction.”