Rivera supports any player who wishes to kneel during the National Anthem

Rivera said on Wednesday that he has taken time to learn about what players are protesting, and he supports anyone’s decision to kneel.

A lot has been made of players in the NFL using the national anthem to peacefully protest police brutality by taking a knee instead of standing, and it has become a hot-button issue that has been divided by politics over the past several years since Colin Kaepernick started the movement with the San Francisco 49ers.

Now that the topic has been brought to light once again due to the murder of George Floyd, and the endless list of police brutality incidents that have both led up to and followed that event, Washington Redskins coach Ron Rivera made a statement on the potential of his players taking a knee during the 2020 season, and he claimed that he is all for it.

While many people will claim that the protest is unpatriotic and disrespectful to the American flag, the protest is not aimed to be that. It is a peaceful way to show that you are not happy with the current playing-field in America when it comes to equality and justice for all, something that the anthem states is an American right. Rivera stated on Wednesday that he has taken the time to talk to many people around him and worked to learn what they are fighting for, and he stands with them in this endeavor for justice.

Expect to see a litany of players across the league kneel during the national anthem this season. I can guarantee you that several members of the Redskins will be doing so.

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