James Dolan’s awful email to employees on why team hasn’t made statement on George Floyd

Knicks players and employees are reportedly furious and rightfully so.

The New York Knick are one of two NBA teams that hadn’t made a public statement about George Floyd and the protests against racism and injustices that have been happening across our country for the past five teams.

On Monday, Knicks owner James Dolan sent an email to employees of MSG explaining why the team hasn’t said anything, and his explanation was awful and embarrassing, even for Dolan who has grown used to being both of those things over the years.

By the way, the other NBA team that hasn’t said anything is the Spurs, but head coach Gregg Popovich had a lot of brilliant things to say on Monday.

Dolan, however, was the opposite of that in this email, and apparently players and other employees are not happy:

As companies in the business of sports and entertainment you’re not qualified to offer an opinion on a matter as serious as this? How about just being a human being? It’s not hard to have an opinion on the awfulness of Floyd’s death and the racism that is going on in this country.

Well, it’s hard if you’re James Dolan, I guess.