Dan Le Batard calls out Roger Goodell for NFL hypocrisy: ‘You can save your empty BS statement’

“Your league already made its statement, dude.”

Dan Le Batard has never been one to shy away from speaking out about politics despite ESPN’s policies.

And on Monday morning, he delivered another impassioned, emotional speech on his radio show about what he and the rest of the world saw in recent days with the protests over the death of George Floyd turning violent.

“You can’t believe the things that you’re watching,” he said in one clip you’ll hear below. “You don’t know what’s real and what’s not real. And, it just … It’s heartbreaking.”

He also turned his ire to the NFL’s much-roasted statement and commissioner Roger Goodell.

“Lord knows, he said, “too many — TOO MANY, too many — black people recognize the feeling of being suffocated by America’s armed authority. So, Roger Goodell, you can save your empty BS statement on behalf of the NFL. Your league already made its statement, dude. You’ve been making it for more than three years. You’re not allowed to be the first voice to the public relations when you’ve been the last one to the relations.”

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