What do you think is the public’s …

What do you think is the public’s perception of your success? Rich Paul: I think everyone’s different. I don’t get up every day caring about how somebody’s perceiving something I’m doing. I know the work I put in. I know the way I lead, with integrity and with professionalism to do my job. I’m passionate about it. I’m very matter of fact about it, and I want to be respected. At the end of the day I think, a lot of times as agents, you’re looked at in a different light because people feel like you’ll go to any drastic measure to gain a client. Well, that’s not true. And I think that in terms of how people evaluate or criticize or applaud your successes depends on how they perceive you. We’re in a time right now where people perceive you based upon how they woke up that day. Unless someone took the time to get to know you, then they can’t really evaluate you to a certain point. It can only go so far.