93-year-old Bud Grant: ‘I’m not quite as paranoid as some people might be’

As a 93-year-old, is former Vikings coach Bud Grant frightened of the coronavirus pandemic? No

Several years ago, Vikings coach Bud Grant wore short sleeves in below zero weather. As a coach, he banned heaters on the sideline and didn’t let his players wear gloves.

The former Minnesota coach has never shied away from an opportunity to show toughness, and when he talked to the Winnipeg Sun recently, this case was no different.

Asked about whether the 93-year-old was worried about the coronavirus pandemic or not, he said no.

“I’ve been through the polio epidemic … I was in the service during the War. All of those things have happened in my life, so I’m not quite as paranoid as some people might be.”

Grant also said that his kids and grandkids worry about these current times more than he does.

“They buy into a lot of this political propaganda that’s going on,” Grant told the Winnipeg Sun. “And I don’t blame the politicians. That’s their job. They’re trying to protect themselves and trying to protect people. So whether you agree or disagree, it is what it is. You go along with the laws and what the rules are.”