Should the NFL plays games in 2020 in empty stadiums?

Is a full season more important than letting fans attend games?

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No one knows exactly when the NFL season will get started or what exactly it will look like. The NFL is deep in preparations for a multitude of scenarios for what the season will look like. One such scenario could be keeping teams quarantined and playing games in empty stadiums.

Would you rather have the NFL play in empty stadiums or shorten the season until fans can come back?

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The nation feels largely divided about how the country should get back to business and how long it should take. But NFL fans are a different breed. Everyone is missing football and it would be great to get back to it but is risking public health worth it?

From a financial side of it, teams have almost no incentive to rush fans back into stadiums. The vast majority of the revenue teams make is from TV money, not ticket sales. And if fans aren’t at the event, they will watch on TV. Getting a full season in with fans staying home is the likely scenario most teams would prefer.

Cast your vote and tell us how you want the NFL to start.

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