Jets’ GM Joe Douglas comes up big in tipping department

Jets’ GM Joe Douglas has been leaving a huge tip on recent Sundays at a New Jersey restaurant.

New York Jets general manager Joe Douglas has shown a great amount of heart and generosity in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

The GM has been quietly doing a sweet service for the staff at a New Jersey restaurant, where he has been picking up dinner for his family on a recent stretch of Sundays.

Coming in to pick up an order at the River Grille in Chatham, Douglas told Ryan Holsten the order would be under the name “Joe.” When the bartender could not find it, the GM asked for it to be checked under “Douglas.”

The order was under the general manager’s last name and Holsten got a pleasant surprise when he saw the tip line on the receipt. Douglas left a tip of $100.

“Thank you so much! I appreciate it!” Holsten yelled as Douglas waved walking to his car, reported.

The staff did an Internet search and put together who their generous tipper was.

Douglas has ordered from the restaurant for each of the last three Sundays and left the same tip. Check out a receipt:

Well played by Douglas during a time when everyone needs to find a reason to smile.