Robert Kraft explains why he helped get N95 masks to New York

Robert Kraft sent 300,000 N95 masks to New York for help during the coronavirus pandemic.

Sports rivalries are out the window temporarily.

New York is struggling to supply healthcare workers with equipment during the coronavirus pandemic and New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft decided to help out. The Patriots team plane brought 1.2 million N95 masks back to Massachusetts from China on Thursday and immediately sent 300,000 to New York.

Kraft joined CNN on Thursday night and explained his decision to help the neighboring state out.

“I’ve been watching Governor (Andrew) Cuomo over the last few weeks, and I just think he’s done an outstanding job,” Kraft said, transcribed by Pro Football Talk. “He’s at the epicenter of this crisis, and he has a calming way about him and he brings confidence. And I have a personal tie to New York City. Columbia was good to me and gave me a full scholarship as a kid. I love the city, I love the people there. I don’t think what’s going on is something any of us could imagine.”

We agreed to buy the masks and give them to the people of the City of New York just to try to bring some hope and goodwill and let people know we’re trying to bring everything together and generate some good feelings.”

He also shared a message for the country, telling people to rally together to make it past this unusual situation.

“People are looking for good things,” Kraft said. “This is the greatest country in the world. It’s time for us to rally together and solve these kinds of issues.”

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