In Ohio, golf industry took proactive measures to remain operational

Ohio golf bodies came together last week to author a letter sent to Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s office.

Golf course superintendents are a resourceful group. Brian Laurent, executive director of the Miami Valley and Central Ohio Golf Course Superintendents Associations, continues to be amazed at the workarounds superintendents have found in the midst of a global pandemic. This is new territory for everyone in the golf industry.

“If there’s a problem, they’ll find a way to fix it,” Laurent said.

Laurent has marveled at the ingenuity he’s seen shared by turf professionals on Twitter in recent days. From raising cups above the ground (or perhaps sticking a foam pool noodle inside to eliminate touch points around the hole) to using backpack sprayers to disinfect shared maintenance equipment, the work-arounds are downright MacGyver-esque.

Laurent is viewing the global health challenge from the perspective of Ohio’s robust golf industry, which took proactive measures in unfamiliar territory.

On Sunday, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine issued a statewide “stay at home” order, effective at 11:59 p.m. Monday. In anticipation of that action, Ohio golf bodies had already come together last week to author a letter sent to Gov. DeWine’s office. They pled golf’s case as a much-needed space for people needing to get outdoors in these strange times.

The Ohio Superintendent Network indicated Sunday evening it would work to find answers for golfers and industry workers in light of the governor’s order. By Monday afternoon, it was confirmed that courses could continue maintenance operations and remain open for play.

As other state governors across the country have issued executive orders mandating the closure of shared recreation spaces, Ohio’s golf leaders wanted to make sure courses could continue to operate provided the proper safety measures are in place. Those best practices – for courses and for players – have been widely circulated among the state’s various golf bodies.

Related: Is it safe to play golf during coronavirus outbreak?

“We can kind of see the writing on the wall,” Laurent said 24 hours before the order came down. “There’s going to be more shutdowns of various businesses. We’re just doing what we can to try to get ahead of it.”

The letter made clear golf’s impact in Ohio. It’s a $2 billion industry comprised of more than 700 golf courses (which, as industry officials pointed out in their opening line, are mostly small businesses) that employ roughly 68,000 people.

“Golf is one of the few great American pastimes we can safely enjoy right now,” the letter read. “Allowing facilities to remain open will offer Ohioans — including kids — a place to be outdoors, enjoying nature, exercising and working through a little of the anxiety we’re all feeling right now.”

In the past week, Laurent has penned informative articles for the Ohio Superintendent Network outlining actions and preparations as well as handy resources for members of the golf industry. He provided reassurance, too.

“None of us have ever been through anything quite like this before,” he wrote in a March 20 post outlining the industry’s collaborative actions, including the letter to Gov. DeWine. “It’s OK to be scared, nervous, anxious, cautious, whatever you’re feeling. I get it.”

In some states, like California and Florida, golf is already in season. Laurent said traffic on state golf courses isn’t what it should be this time of year, even though the 2020 season hasn’t really ramped up yet.

“Play is definitely down,” he said. “Overall, the folks I have talked to, the large majority want to remain open and continue to provide an outlet for people to go and get away from the home office or just kind of get away from things, be outside and enjoy some recreation.”

Laurent said he has traded messages with superintendents in neighboring states, “learning a little bit about their battle.” The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America continues to advocate, problem-solve and support the industry, too, he said.

One potential challenge Ohio – and other northern states – could face is in the seasonal aspect of maintenance. There is much to be done this time of the year.

“If they miss the next couple weeks up here they’re going to be playing catch-up for the rest of the year with the weeds and diseases and all that kind of stuff,” Laurent said of turf operations.

Ohio’s proactive measures could prove to be industry saving on several levels.

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