Then after that, Brown took the ball out of Simmons’ hands in the playoffs and he put it in Butler’s hands. That is another thing that did not sit well with Butler: “To this day, I don’t think that was fair to switch over like that. Even though I think we played great basketball like that, I don’t think it was fair because, the entire year, Ben had the ball. So you meant to tell me that in one playoff series, you’re just going to switch it up like that? I would have felt some type of way. I would think it’s [expletive] up to play one way the entire year and then be like ‘You know what? Boom. This is how we’re going to do it.’ and I used to tell Brett, ‘Brett, I think we should mix in me handling the ball a little bit’. ‘Nah, we play A to B, we do this’…I don’t think that was the best way of doing it in my opinion.”