PODCAST: Rusty Bradley discusses coaching career

PODCAST: Rusty Bradley discusses coaching career

KNOXVILLE — Rusty Bradley enters his fourth season as Grace Christian Academy’s head coach in 2020.

Bradley came to Grace Christian Academy following coaching Tennessee offensive lineman Trey Smith at University School of Jackson in Jackson, Tenn. Bradley served as head coach at USJ in 2016.

The Grace Christian Academy head coach joined the show “Tennessee Two-A-Days” and discussed his career that included time at Colorado. He served as a graduate assistant for the Buffaloes under head coach Gary Barnett and offensive coordinator Shawn Watson. Watson now serves as an offensive quality control coach at Georgia.

Grace Christian Academy
Photo by Dan Harralson, Vols Wire

Bradley’s father, Mark, coached at Tennessee, serving as the Vols’ tight ends and assistant offensive line coach (1998-2000), offensive line coach (1996-97) and tight ends coach (1992-95). He is currently working at Grace Christian Academy.

The show can be listened to here or below.

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