UFC on ESPN+ 25 winners and losers react on social media outlets such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
Since the early days when the sport was anything but a mainstream endeavor, the MMA industry has thrived and survived through various websites, forums, and – perhaps most importantly – social-media platforms.
Fighters interact with fans, each other and many more through the likes of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, which helps outsiders get a deeper look into the minds of the athletes.
Following Saturday’s UFC on ESPN+ 25 in Rio Rancho, N.M., several of the winning and losing fighters, along with their coaches, training partners or family members, took to social media to react to the event or share a message with supporters.
Check out some of those reactions.
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The defeated
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Quiero pedir una disculpa a Brok Weaver, su equipo y a UFC. Entrene muy duro para está pelea que todos estaban esperando , incluyendome. He peleado profesionalmente mucho tiempo, nunca me ha pasado algo asi y no volvera a pasar. Estudie bien a mi oponente y el siempre se levanta recomponiendo su posiciòn utilizando la jaula y su brazo en under hook, a lo cual yo quite presiòn de el pensando què lo haria como lo hacia en otras ocasiones y asì poder conectar la rodilla en el pecho. No salio como pensaba y estoy sumamente avergonzado. Estoy muy agradecido formar parte de UFC y las personas que me conocen saben que soy profesional y siempre juego limpio!! Brok es un hombre de honor al igual que yo y se que tambien a el le gustaria un rematch. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ I want to sincerely apologize to Brok Weaver, his team and the UFC. I trained really hard for this fight that everyone was waiting for, including myself. I've been fighting professionally for a long time and this has never happened before and it won’t happen again. I studied my opponent very well, one of the things I noticed was that he always get back on his stands using the cage and using his arm on underhook, I was expecting him to get up the same as in other occasions and then be able to connect the knee to his chest. It didn’t go how I expected and I’m really embarrassed about it and once again I’m really sorry. People who follow my career know that I am very profesional, respectful to the sport and I’m not a dirty fighter. I am really thankful for being part of the UFC and Brok is a man of honor just like me. I know he would like a rematch and we both would appreciate it.
A post shared by Rodrigo Vargas (@kazulavargasufc) on Feb 17, 2020 at 12:33pm PST
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🇮🇹 Ho iniziato il mio camp il 16 di dicembre. Mi sono dedicata , allenamento , mangiare bene , riposo . Ho un team perfetto , ho avuto una sparring partner perfetta , una preparazione perfetta . Ho lavorato veramente bene , ma sabato non sono riuscita ad esprimermi .Non sono riuscita a dimostrare tutto il lavoro che ho fatto in questi due mesi. Mi dispiace un sacco , triste si tanto triste per me , per il mio team per la mia famiglia e per le persone vicine. Non mi sono piaciuta e so cosa non è andato, adesso cercherò di lavorarci per sistemare e tornare più forte . DEVO ! – – 🇭🇳 Comencé mi campamento el 16 de diciembre. Me dediqué, entrenando, comiendo bien, descansando. Tengo un equipo perfecto, tuve un compañero de entrenamiento perfecto, una preparación perfecta. Trabajé muy bien, pero el sábado no pude expresarme, no pude demostrar todo el trabajo que he hecho en estos dos meses. Lo siento mucho, triste, muy triste por mí, por mi equipo, por mi familia y por las personas cercanas. No me gustó y sé qué salió mal, ahora intentaré trabajar en ello para arreglarlo y volver más fuerte. DEBO! – – 🇧🇷 Comecei meu acampamento no dia 16 de dezembro. Dediquei-me a treinar, a comer bem, a descansar. Eu tenho uma equipe perfeita, tive um parceiro de treino perfeito, uma preparação perfeita. Trabalhei muito bem, mas no sábado não consegui me expressar, não consegui demonstrar todo o trabalho que fiz nesses dois meses. Sinto muito, triste, muito triste por mim, por minha equipe, por minha família e por pessoas próximas. Eu não gostei e sei o que deu errado, agora vou tentar trabalhar nele para consertar e voltar mais forte. EU DEVO! – – 🇺🇸 I started my camp on December 16th. I dedicated myself, training, eating well, rest. I have a perfect team, I had a perfect sparring partner, a perfect preparation. I worked really well, but on Saturday I was unable to express myself. I was unable to demonstrate all the work I have done in these two months. I'm so sorry, sad, so sad for me, for my team, for my family and for close people. I did not like it and I know what went wrong, now I will try to work on it to fix and come back stronger. I MUST ! OSS
A post shared by Mara Maravilla Romero Borella (@maramarvillarb) on Feb 16, 2020 at 9:08am PST
The victorious
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