Ron Rivera’s yard sale raises more than $30,000

The Redskins coach made a big impact in Carolina.

Washington Redskins coach Ron Rivera made a big splash at his yard sale over the weekend.

As noted earlier, Rivera and his wife held a yard sale to raise money for the Humane Society of Charlotte, auctioning off items from his Carolina Panthers days and doling out autographs for the cause.

According to Alaina Getzenberg of the Charlotte Observer, Rivera ended up raising around $30,000 after about 3,000 showed up.

“It’s an opportunity for us to give back to a community that’s been so supportive. From the time I got here, Stephanie and I started building a relationship in the community, the community’s been so good to us, (we wanted to) make sure we gave back as many ways as we could. We wanted to make sure we gave back every opportunity we could, and this is our swan song, our last opportunity and really just to say thank you one last time.”

The current Washington Redskins head coach next turns his attention to the draft process a few days removed from making some major roster transactions in the form of cutting notables like Paul Richardson and Josh Norman.

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