Mike McCarthy admitted that he lied a little bit during his job interview with Jerry Jones

“I wanted the job.”

Chances are you’ve been in a job interview before and maybe you stretched the truth a little bit in order to impress the person who was interviewing you. You’re just trying your best to stand out and get the job and don’t mean any harm by it. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Apparently Mike McCarthy knows all about that as he admitted during his introductory press conference on Wednesday that he lied a little bit during his job interview with Jerry Jones.

And it seemed to work, as he is now the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys.

McCarthy was asked Wednesday about how he said he watched every play from Dallas’ 2019 season and what he took away from that.

He then fessed up and said he told Jones that because he was trying to get the job and that he didn’t really watch every play:

While that’s probably not a huge deal, some fans weren’t that impressed:

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