Hear how Jim Carrey convinced Dan Marino to sign on for ‘Ace Ventura’

Dolphins Hall of Famer Dan Marino nearly turned down a role in “Ace Ventura” — until actor Jim Carrey sold him. Here’s how he did it.

The last time the Miami Dolphins appeared in the Super Bowl, it was in 1994 — courtesy of the film ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective’, of course. Surely you’ve seen the film by now, where Dolphins quarterback (and future Hall of Famer) Dan Marino is abducted ahead of the Dolphins’ date in the Super Bowl and actor Jim Carrey’s character is tasked with tracking down Marino and the team’s live mascot, Snowflake.

The film is generally considered one of Carrey’s most popular projects and served as Marino’s first foray into film. And it almost didn’t happen.

Marino sat down with Peyton Manning for ESPN’s ‘Peyton’s Places’ series and during the course of their conversations, Marino and Manning got onto the subject of Ace Ventura and Marino mentioned he wasn’t planning on taking the part — that is of course until Carrey met with Marino for lunch to sell him on the part.

Marino’s recollection of the meeting has us wishing we could’ve had a front row seat to Carrey harassing meal patrons while in the character of Ventura, it had to have been good for Marino to sway back into committing for the film. And thank goodness he did — because the Dolphins’ most recent “Super Bowl appearance” was likely hinging on it.

Here’s to the next Dolphins Super Bowl appearance being sooner rather than later — and having the real life Miami Dolphins actually playing for some hardware in the process.

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