Final rounds: PGA Tour pros share where they’d play the last rounds of their lives

Last round of your life – where would it be? That was the question we posed to more than two dozen PGA Tour pros. Some of the answers were surprising while others were predictable. Augusta National, Pebble Beach, Cypress Point, Pine Valley and St. …

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Last round of your life – where would it be?

That was the question we posed to more than two dozen PGA Tour pros.

Some of the answers were surprising while others were predictable.

Augusta National, Pebble Beach, Cypress Point, Pine Valley and St. Andrews led the way with multiple responses. We liked some of the creativity such as Chris Baker saying not just Augusta but Sunday at Augusta and Rickie Fowler wanted Augusta running fast and firm and Adam Hadwin specifying he would like a sunny day at Pebble.

Or how about Bo Van Pelt squeezing two gems into his final round with the front nine at Pebble and back nine at Augusta? Well played, Bo, well played.

If it makes you feel any better, we discovered that Steve Stricker and Jim Furyk haven’t played Pine Valley yet either. There also were a bunch of sentimentalists among us who chose one more round at the course where they grew up because as Hank Lebioda put it of Tuscowilla, where he learned the game, “it’s a cow pasture but it’s my cow pasture.”

Check out the places the pros would play their last rounds if they could choose. Answers are listed in alphabetical order.